Weight On Me
for islebehere
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
  i'm baaaaaack hey peeps. i'm sure nobody probably even reads this anymore, considering in hasn't been updated in almost a month. i decided to go ahead and keep it up.

tho i haven't lost an enormous amount of weight since last post, i haven't gained any either. after the last post, i didn't follow SBD religiously nor did i go majorly overboard. sure, i ate more than i should have and ate a few bad things but not so bad that i went back to the beginning. i'm still at the 10lb mark (bad crab dip helped). which...i'm fine with that. now, i just start from here.

i've started walking so i feel a little better about myself. it's not marathoning but it's a start. i'm walking two miles a day with a friend and i gotta say, it's been pretty cool. i like talking to her. unlike other people i would have probably worn my sandisk (mp3 player) with.

btw addie, those pedometers we bought suck. it didn't clock the mileage right or the steps. how's yours working out? T~
Monday, June 06, 2005
  yeah i cheated. so what! okay, so i cheated this weekend. not so much with bad foods. alright, so i had a piece of cake. but more with drinks. yeah, i had a little bbq at a party we went to. but we mostly ate pretty good this weekend. i made some shrimp burgers and handyman made some fish last nite. the only bad thing in that was the flour for the rue.

we did, however, have a few margaritas (handy had beer) and then went to the san luis and had tanq & tonics and disaronno on the rocks (very sweet). no hangover sunday.

oh, i forgot to mention the mexican food W/TORTILLAS that we had friday nite. i don't consider that cheating since we ordered with our empty bellies and got the equivalent of a child's plate! i was good, tho. i still didn't finish the whole plate and was full. AND i gave the last tortilla to handy! that's MAJOR progress for me!

i stepped on the scale this morning and even tho, there was no loss, there was no damaging gain. i had been stuck between the 12 and 15 marker and now i'm back at the 10lb mark. not a biggie. i did add whole wheat carbs back into my diet this weekend (me & HM jumped to Phase 2 this weekend). we had our shrimp burgers on whole wheat pita. so now that i'm in Phase 2, i can excercise without bonking. i'm looking forward to it tonite! T~ 
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
  losing weight sucks sure it's healthy and it's good for you and you'll feel better. but getting there, SUCKS. i'm pretty much at a standstill right now. i know it's because i'm not excercising, but i talked to a trainer and he asked me what i was eating. i told him i was doing SBD. he told me not to start "training" until Phase 2. like i'm gonna say no to a trainer. he said i would have more energy when i start adding good carbs back into my diet. i know he's right. it's happened before. i bonked out when excercising before and it was because i hadn't had enough "energy food" that day.

so now i'm stuck between 12-15 lbs lost. i've been fluctuating between 12-15 for the last two weeks. don't get me wrong, i'm really proud of myself for getting THAT far. i know there's no quick fix, i just wish it would move a little faster. T~

Eating and all of its obsessions

May 2005 / June 2005 / March 2006 / April 2006 / April 2007 /

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